Rodale and Internet Book Company Make eBook Deal
Posted on May 17, 2000
Rodale, America's leading health and fitness publisher, has signed with the Internet Book Co., an ebook publisher and bookseller, to bring Rodale's titles to the ebook audience. Rodale, who publishes well-known health brands including Prevention, Men's Health and Runner's World, has book titles on topics including health, home remedies, fitness, cycling, gardening and pets.
``Rodale's healthy living emphasis is a great match for ebook readers,'' said Internet Book Company President Barbara Dossetter. ``Ebook people are the get-up-and-go type. Now they can take the ''You Can Do It`` advice provided by Rodale with them wherever they go.''
Including ebooks in their publishing mix was an easy decision for Rodale International Managing Director Bob Keppel. ``We are committed to giving our readers personal and practical information on healthy active living in every possible format. Moving into ebooks through this relationship with Internet Book Company is a great step in that direction.''
Internet Book Co. is currently formatting Rodale titles, and expects to have the first Rodale ebooks on sale in June 2000. Books will be available in as a direct download in Rocket eBook, Palm OS, Adobe Acrobat PDF, and ASCII text formats, and will sell for slightly less than the paperback price.