Salman Rushdie Writes Limerick About Kim Kardashian's Divorce
Posted on November 2, 2011
And you thought The Satanic Verses was blasphemous. That was nothing compared to this. After being challenged by a fan on twitter, author Salman Rushdie tweeted a limerick about Kim Kardashian's divorce. It all began when @CatNyugen tweeted: "@SalmanRushdie hey, why are you talking about literature and art, don't you know there's Kim Kardashian gossip to attend to?:)" Sir Rushdie replied, "@CatNyugen OK, I will rise to the challenge and offer my once-only, never-to-be-repeated Kim #Kardashian Limerick." Some of you may want to cover your eyes at this point -- here it is:
The marriage of poor kim #kardashian was krushed like a kar in a krashianWhen asked later why he -- a serious literary icon -- wrote the limerick, he replied, "I was challenged. Can't resist a challenge."
her kris kried, not fair! why kan't I keep my share?
But kardashian fell klean outa fashian.
Clearly, he is a man who loves to live dangerously. Can a fatwa issued by the Man Booker Prize jury be far behind?