Seventeen Magazine Makes Book Publishing Deal
Posted on January 21, 2000
Seventeen Magazine is joining forces with HarperCollins Publishers and Parachute Publishing to produce a line of fiction and nonfiction books. Parachute Publishing will create the books working closely with the editorial, creative and marketing staff of Seventeen. HarperCollins will publish the program.
"Seventeen has been the first place young women turn for answers on questions from beauty to boys to school. The books will be comprehensive guides for their complicated lives," says Patrice Adcroft, Editor-in-Chief of Seventeen.
Seventeen non-fiction debuts in September 2000 with How to Be Gorgeous, an oversized four-color book with advice and information on beauty trends, tips from the beauty editor of Seventeen, and The Boyfriend Clinic, also in paperback, based on the Seventeen column of the same name and designed to help teenage girls deal with boys. The Seventeen publishing program will be launched with a six-figure marketing campaign.
"The teen and pre-teen market is the fastest growing segment of the book market. All those kids from middle grades are moving into junior high and high school -- and they all read Seventeen. Parachute is proud to be working with Seventeen and HarperCollins on this unique program," said Jane Stine, co-chair of Parachute Publishing's parent company, Parachute Properties.