Singular Magazine Targets Happy Single People

Posted on December 14, 2008

Singluar magazine is a new publication that targets affluent unmarried adults. It isn't a dating magazine. It targets people who are satisfied being single. It is targeted at single adults in Los Angeles with household incomes over $100,000.

The glossy 140-page magazine targets these "singulars." It says it celebrate their lifestyle rather than trying to "fix it."

The publication launched in September and its holiday issue with Amy Sedaris recently hit newsstands and was direct-mailed to 70,000 subscribers. The magazine has a companion website at The site includes social networking profiles, forums, blogs, a calendar of events and more.

Elisabeth Eaves at Forbes writers that "Marital status, it seems, does not a target market make." Singles aren't a very organized group and they have wide-ranging interests just like married people. However, the number of people not getting married does seem to be growing and if Singular can get the word out then they might be able to interest some happy-to-be-single unmarrieds in reading their publication.

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