Stagebill Appoints Gerry Byrne President & CEO
Posted on April 26, 2000
Stagebill, publisher of the performing arts magazine and a custom publisher for performance venues, has announced the appointment of Gerry Byrne, former publisher of Variety, as its new partner, President, and Chief Executive Officer.
Byrne will lead an aggressive growth plan at Stagebill that includes acquiring entertainment-related properties, expanding into new markets, and creating a performing arts Web portal. Stagebill's expansion is backed by new financing from a group of prominent media and financial investors led by ING Furman Selz Investments. Primary investors include WaterView Partners, L. P., an investment fund co-founded by Frank J. Biondi Jr.
``This is a great opportunity to take a great brand and join it with technology of the 21st century. There is no better marriage of 'bricks and clicks' than Stagebill with the Internet,'' Byrne said. ``Stagebill is able to make this next step because Fred Tarter has, over a very short period of time, injected new life and vigor into this venerable publication.''
Stagebill's core business of publishing an advertiser-supported magazine will be expanded into more performance venues. Stagebill also plans to seek out acquisitions that complement its role as an expert on the performing arts. Stagebill's editorial team will broaden coverage to include areas beyond live entertainment, such as independent films, pay-TV, recorded music, home entertainment technology, and Internet-based entertainment.