Stars & Stripes Omnimedia Enters Military Spouse Market
Posted on January 26, 2001
Stars & Stripes Omnimedia, Inc., a media company serving the military community, announced the addition of Validity Magazine to its growing portfolio of products. Validity serves the population of over 3 million military spouses and family members.
``Our organization is focused on supporting military families. Validity Magazine is a unique resource of timely and useful information for the issues that concern military families on active duty,'' said Michael Singer, Board Chairman of the USO of Metropolitan Washington.
Deidra Simpson, Validity's founder and president, has joined Stars & Stripes Omnimedia as General Manager of Military Spouse Programs. ``The Stars & Stripes team has a successful track record and now Validity will reach military spouses and family members worldwide, providing the information and inspiration that every military spouse needs, not only to survive, but also to thrive,'' said Simpson.
Stars & Stripes Omnimedia, Inc. produces a suite of print, interactive, and broadcast products for the military market. The company's publishing segment includes the flagship publication, The Stars and Stripes, and specialty publications Stripes Jobs and Validity Magazine. The interactive segment includes and Military Spouse Headquarters ( The broadcasting segment includes the weekly Stars and Stripes Radio Show, a joint strategic relationship with Veterans Radio Network, Inc. a show that airs in 51 radio markets across 45 states. Since acquiring The Stars and Stripes newspaper in April 2000, the company now reaches a combined audience of over 3.5 million worldwide every month. Stars & Stripes Omnimedia, Inc. is backed by The Redleaf Group, Inc., and has offices in Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco.