Study Finds Facebook Likes Can Reveal Personality Traits
Posted on April 22, 2013
A study conducted by researchers from the University of Cambridge has found that your Facebook Likes can reveal personal information and personality traits, including race, age, sexuality, political views and more. The researchers analyzed a dataset of over 58,000 US Facebook users.
The researchers created some statistical models able to predict personal details using Facebook Likes alone. Here are some details about the accuracy of the models:
- 88% accurate for determining male sexuality
- 95% accurate distinguishing African-American from Caucasian American
- 85% accurate differentiating Republican from Democrat
- Christians and Muslims were correctly classified in 82% of cases
- Relationship status and substance abuse was between 65 and 73% accurate
- Wether a Facebook users' parents separated before the user reached the age of 21 were accurate to 60%
Unfortunately, sharing online will continue to become increasingly revealing. You could always "Like" some stuff you hate just to throw the bots off track, but you might confuse your Facebook friends.