Sir Terry Pratchett Calls for Euthanasia Tribunals
Posted on February 1, 2010
Bestselling British author Terry Pratchett will deliver the Dimbleby Lecture tonight on the BBC. His topic is a controversial one: euthanasia. Pratchett, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, argues that there should be euthanasia panels which would rule yea or nay on proposed assisted suicides. Pratchett believes that those with incurable illnesses have the right to end their own lives without fear of their families being tried for murder if they assist.
The lecture will be called Shaking Hands With Death. Pratchett says he will volunteer to be a test case before a euthanasia tribunal.
Pratchett says, "If granny walks up to the tribunal and bangs her walking stick on the table and says 'Look, I've really had enough, I hate this bloody disease, and I'd like to die thank you very much young man', I don't see why anyone should stand in her way."
He also says, "Choice is very important in this matter. But there will be some probably older, probably wiser GPs, who will understand. The tribunal would be acting for the good of society as well as that of the applicant -- and ensure they are of sound and informed mind, firm in their purpose, suffering from a life-threatening and incurable disease and not under the influence of a third party. If I knew that I could die, I would live. My life, my death, my choice."
Pratchett is the first novelist to be invited to give the Richard Dimbleby Lecture, which is an annual BBC event in honor of the British broadcaster. The Guardian says that polls in England show support for Pratchett's views. Assisted suicide is still illegal in England.