The Atlantic Launches Atlantic Cities Website
Posted on September 18, 2011
The Atlantic has launched a new site, called Atlantic Cities. The site carries the tagline, "Place Matters." Categories on the new site include jobs and economy, commute, housing, arts and lifestyle, design, technology, politics and neighborhoods. The website's description says, "The Atlantic Cities explores the most innovative ideas and pressing issues facing today's global cities and neighborhoods. By bringing together news, analysis, data, and trends, the site is an engaging destination for an increasingly urbanized world."
Bob Cohn, editorial director of Atlantic Digital, describes the new site as follows: "This is the place for stories on housing, commuting, and public art; for charts, graphs, maps, and rankings; and for conversation and debate among the leading voices on urbanism. The Atlantic Cities is for people who care about the issues and ideas that are changing where and how we live, work, and play."
The site contains articles relevant to people living in urban areas. There are currently articles about chain stores, preserving the environment in cities, college enrollment, architecture, geography and politics on the homepage. The site contains a pull-down menu that lists dozens of U.S. cities. If you click on one of the cities you will get taken to a city hub site that displays a handy chart that shows you city data, such as population change, media income, media home price, top occupations, city rankings, diversity and more. The city hub sites also display any relevant articles Atlantic Cities has to offer about that city.