The Wall Street Journal Increases Frequency and Circulation of Breakaway
Posted on December 8, 1998
The Wall Street Journal announced that in 1999 it will publish six issues of Breakaway, a special publication for small-business owners and entrepreneurs, up from four issues this year. In addition, the Journal announced that each edition of Breakaway will be mailed to 350,000 Journal subscribers who have a special interest in growing companies, up from 300,000 subscribers in 1998.
"The reader response to Breakaway in its first year has been very strong," said Paul E. Steiger, managing editor of The Wall Street Journal. "Breakaway offers practical advice and insight for small-business owners and entrepreneurs and fills a real need. We're excited to improve our service to these readers by increasing Breakaway's frequency and circulation."
The Journal's announcement coincides with today's publication of the Winter 1998 edition of Breakaway. Much of the 36-page issue deals with the education of the entrepreneur, including close-up looks at an entrepreneur who realized that she hated running her business; an inventor who discovered that a patent was worth far less than imagined; and a video producer's financial education that now appears to have her headed for big money.