Time Inc.'s Business 2.0 Unveils Inaugural Issue
Posted on August 10, 2001
Time Inc. has unveiled the new Business 2.0, a magazine combining elements of both Time Inc.'s eCompany Now and the recently acquired Business 2.0. Business 2.0 is a monthly business magazine with a guaranteed rate base of 550,000. It carries a cover price of $3.95 and an annual subscription rate of $19.98. Business 2.0 is part of The Fortune Group at Time, Inc.
According to Ned Desmond, the editor and president of Business 2.0, the need for speed and flexibility has flattened corporate hierarchies and pushed initiative far down in the ranks. ``Thanks to the Internet and other technologies, there is more pressure to think and act fast than ever before, and at the same time there is less and less time to prove yourself,'' said Desmond. ``As a result, business readers want smart, on-the-money stories that tell them what's really working today in management, business technology, marketing, and other areas. That's what Business 2.0 is all about.''
The inaugural cover package, ``The Revolution Lives,'' showcases three leading executives--Charles Schwab's David Pottruck, Enron's Jeff Skilling, and UPS's Mike Eskew--and looks at the debate over the Internet's impact on the economy, as well on major business disciplines including marketing, manufacturing, finance, and leadership. Elsewhere in the magazine, the editors look at how MTV's new cross-platform marketing strategy is making the cable music channel into a more powerful marketing force, how IBM made its R&D program into a very effective contributor to Big Blue's bottom line, and how new approaches to curing cancer would operate at the level of molecular medicine.
In creating the new Business 2.0, managing editor Jim Aley and creative director Susan Scandrett sought to combine the most popular aspects of the original Business 2.0 and eCompany Now. ``We recognize that our readers are pressed for time,'' said Aley. ``That's why the visual design and editorial voice of the magazine were engineered not only to grab readers' attention, but to lend clarity (and yes, even humor) to the subjects at hand. We also added marketing, management, and R&D to the What Works department, increased our use of graphics, placed the table of contents right off the cover, and provided more perforated Cheat Sheets that can be circulated to employees and colleagues or posted on the wall for easy reference.''
The website Business2.com was also recently redesigned. The site features more than 35,000 articles from eCompany Now, the former and new Business 2.0, Fortune, Fortune Small Business, Money, and CNET; the Web Guide, a handpicked directory of more than 11,000 topics and 50,000 sites relevant to stories covered in the magazine; and WebFiles, compilations of research online to help readers seeking deeper information on certain articles in the magazine.