Bookstores: Page: 2

This is page 2 of the Bookstores posts on Writers Write.

  • Borders Extends Leases on Six Stores, But Forty-Five Stores May Soon Close (2011-06-14): A report last week indicated that lenders may force Borders to close as many as 51 more stores.

  • Author Opens Bookstore That Only Sells His Book (2011-04-29): Author Andrew Kessler found a clever way to market his book.

  • Borders Closing 28 More Stores, Barnes & Noble Also Struggling (2011-03-18): Struggling retailer Borders is closing 28 more stores.

  • Hamburg Publisher Turns Cigarette Vending Machines Into Book Machines (2010-05-13): A Hamburg-based publisher has transformed cigarette vending machines into vending machines that sell small books.

  • British Book Sales: Nonfiction Slumps, Fiction Sells (2009-11-06): The Bookseller reports that sales of nonfiction in Britain are slumping while sales of fiction are up 90%.

  • Borders Closing More Waldenbooks Stores (2009-11-05): Borders is increasing the pace at which it is closing Waldenbooks outlets.

  • Report: 400 More Bookstores to Close By Year End (2009-08-31): You can should expect an avalanche of bookstore closings this year.

  • Barnes and Noble Still Considering Borders Purchase (2008-06-11): First round bids were due Monday from companies that wish to buy bookseller Borders.

  • Borders Relaunches Online Store (2008-05-27): Borders has relaunched its online bookstore after ending its partnership with Amazon.

  • Barnes & Noble Studying Possible Borders Purchase (2008-05-22): The Washington Post reports that Barnes & Noble has put together a management team to study the "feasibility" of acquiring Borders.

  • Black Bookstore Chain to Close (2008-01-29): The Karibu Books chain is closing.

  • Starbucks To Sell Books (2006-05-18): Starbucks has announced that it's getting into the book business and that the stores will start selling books by Christmas 2006.

  • The Death Of the Independent Bookshop (2006-05-16): In a particularly snarky piece, Slate asks the question: What are independent bookstores good for? Tyler Cowen's answer: not much.

  • A Book Lover's Dream Vacation (2005-11-07): Kenneth Turan of the L.

  • Pamela Anderson is Blogging With the Cast of Stacked (2005-04-07): The cast of Stacked are blogging on the Friendster website.

  • Amazon to Power Waterstone's Website (2001-07-27): Amazon.