Google: Page: 4

This is page 4 of the Google posts on Writers Write.

  • Google in Talks to Buy YouTube (2006-10-06): Michael Arrington blogged earlier today about an email he received about a possible Google purchase of YouTube.

  • Google Gadgets: A Plethora of Blog Add-Ons (2006-10-03): Google has announced the launch of Google Gadgets.

  • Google Upgrades Blogger With New Layout and Privacy Tools (2006-08-15): Google has upgraded its Blogger service. The new features include new layout editing tools and privacy tools.

  • The Ongoing Google Book Scanning Wars (2006-08-14): The Washington Post has a lengthy article about Google's agreement with Stanford University to digitize the libarary's collection for its controversial digital library project.

  • Google Worried About Potential Trademark Issues (2006-08-14): The Independent Online reports that Google is concerned about google being used as a verb.

  • The Googleplex Expands (2006-06-14): Google continues to merrily expand.

  • MySpace as a Google Threat? (2006-05-27): A Macworld article includes comments from Bill Tancer, Hitwise's general research manager, that MySpace is Google's biggest threat.

  • BEA Confronts Changes In Book Publishing (2006-05-22): The main topic of discussion at Book Expo America is all of the changes going on in the book publishing industry.

  • Oops! Google Deletes Its Own BlogSpot Blog (2006-03-28): SearchEngineWatch reported yesterday that Google's BlogSpot blog at googleblog.

  • Google Finance Includes Blog Posts (2006-03-21): Google has launched Google Finance, a financial resource with stock quotes, stock charts, news, company facts, and company financials.

  • Google's Blogger Staff Beats and Humiliates Bad Router (2006-03-20): Google's Blogger service has beaten a bad router as an example and a warning to other potentially malfunctioning hardware.

  • Today's Employers Are Googling Employees (2006-03-18): Yahoo has an article from Business Week that looks at how employers are Googling employees.

  • Blogstorm Follows Google's Acquisition of Writerly (2006-03-10): A blogstorm has erupted in the tech blogosphere over Google's recent acquisition of Writerly, an Internet based word processor.

  • Orkut Home to Osama Bin Laden Fan Clubs (2006-03-08): USA Today has an article that says Google's Orkut service is being used for recruitment by Al-Qaeda.

  • Blogger Greg Linden Discovers Google Drive Plans (2006-03-07): Blogger Greg Linden recently found and blogged about Google's plans for infinite storage that were contained in some materials presented at Google analyst day.

  • Deleted Blogger Photos Can Still Be Found (2006-02-28): Be careful what you upload is a good philosophy when you are using any free homepage maker or blogging tool.

  • Google's New Webpage Maker Temporarily Suspended (2006-02-23): CRN reports that Google Page Creator, Google's new webpage making service, has been temporarily suspended.

  • Trogdor is a Dragon Man Not a Web Application (2006-02-14): Several blogs are reporting that Google is working on an ajax-based editor codenamed Trogdor.

  • Bloggers Concerned About Google AdSense's Rich Media Plans (2006-01-30): Google Adsense has been testing rich media in its advertisements.

  • Google Vows to Fight Government Subpoena (2006-01-27): Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google Inc.