Oprah Winfrey: Page: 2

This is page 2 of the Oprah Winfrey posts on Wruters Write.

  • Oprah Chooses Middlesex as Next Book Pick (2007-06-05): Oprah has chosen her next Book Club Selection: Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.

  • Mignon Fogarty and the Audiobook (2007-05-07): Mignon Fogarty is the host of the podcast called Grammar Girl.

  • Cormac McCarthy Enters the World of Oprah (2007-03-28): Before today, Cormac McCarthy was best known as being the author of All the Pretty Horses, which became a popular film starring Billy Bob Thornton, Penelope Cruz and Matt Damon.

  • Oprah's New Book Pick: The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography by Sidney Poitier (2007-01-27): Oprah Winfrey's first book pick of 2007 is The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography by Sidney Poitier (HarperSanFrancisco).

  • Oprah Promises New Book Pick (2007-01-23): Oprah Winfrey has said that she will announce a new Oprah's Book Club pick this Friday, January 26th.

  • Kitty Kelley Takes on Oprah (2006-12-14): Much-despised biographer of the stars Kitty Kelley is planning on turning her acid pen on Oprah Winfrey.

  • Will Publishers Now Ask the James Frey Question? (2006-01-28): The Chicago Tribune has an article about what changes may occur in the publishing industry when it comes to buying new memoirs now that James Frey was skewered on the Oprah Winfrey Show? Morgan Entrekin, president and publisher of Grove/Atlantic, told the Tribune, "From now on, it would be a very slow-witted publisher who wouldn't ask The James Frey Question: 'What exactly have you done with the truth in this memoir?'" The Tribune says future memoirs will likely contain a prologue or preface.

  • Oprah Cuts Frey Into A Million Little Pieces (2006-01-27): Oprah Frey had James Prey on her show to answer questions about his lying and she cut him into a million little pieces.

  • Oprah Issues the Smackdown to Frey (2006-01-27): Oprah played it cool at first: she invited James Frey to come back on her show to discuss the scandal.

  • James Frey to Face the Music on Oprah (2006-01-25): It's time for James Frey to face the music: tomorrow, January 26, 2006, the author will appear once again on The Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss the controversy surrounding his drug addiction memoir, A Million Little Pieces.

  • Tribune Article Claims Frey Scoop for MSM (2006-01-21): Steve Johnson, the Chicago Tribune's Internet critic, writes that it is really the mainstream media that uncovered the scoop that James Frey made up parts of his nonfiction book called A Million Little Pieces.

  • Hermes Apologizes to Oprah (2005-06-23): Hermes has apologized to Oprah over the incident involving a Hermes store refusing to allow her entry.

  • Oprah's Book Club Boosts Faulkner Sales (2005-06-08): She's the only woman in the world who could tell people to read three books by William Faulkner this summer, and have them actually do it.

  • Oprah's Book Club is Back (2005-05-28): It's Back! Oprah has answered authors' prayers and officially announced in her newsletter that Oprah's Book Club will return on June 3rd.

  • Writers Beg Oprah to Bag the Classics (2005-04-22): A group of writers is imploring Oprah Winfrey to ditch the classics and go back to picking new authors for her Oprah's Book Club.

  • A Bonus for Oprah's Editors (2005-04-12): Oprah Winfrey handed out tax-free $5,000 bonuses to 100 editorial and advertising staffers of O, The Oprah Magazine on Sunday night according to a Page Six report.

  • Oprah Unhappy With Clarkson Potter (2005-01-24): Oprah is unhappy with Clarkson Potter because they refused to cooperate with an Oprah Christmas Show feature. The book was The Way We Live by Stafford Clive.

  • Oprah's Web Traffic Soars From Book Club Relaunch (2003-06-25): Nielsen//NetRatings reported that traffic to Oprah.

  • Oprah Relaunches Book Club With East Of Eden (2003-06-20): Oprah has relaunched Oprah's Book Club after a fourteen month pause.

  • Oprah Scales Back Book Club (2002-04-12): Oprah Winfrey has decided to scale back the amount of time she spends on her incredibly popular Oprah's Book Club, which regularly announced new book selections -- at least one new book every month or two.