Travel Magazine Covers Haunted Destinations
Posted on August 8, 2001
Favorite Haunts promises to be a travel magazine with an eerie twist: all of its upscale destinations are haunted. The full-color magazine, which will launch in October with an initial distribution of 50,000 copies, will contain feature-length stories on inns, bed and breakfasts, hotels, castles and other sites that claim to have a resident ghost, such as Glin Castle in Ireland and the Farnsworth House in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Ghost tours and candle-lit walks, long a staple in cities such as Salem and Savannah, will also be covered, as will the spectres said to roam colleges, libraries and taverns throughout North America and Europe.
Each issue will contain feature-length photo essays on haunted inns, haunted castles, and other places of interest, with emphasis on the accommodations, cuisine, and things to do in the area that may or may not have a sprectral slant. Attention will be paid, also, to the stories of the ghosts said to inhabit them. Our departments will include, from time to time, shorter articles on such things as haunted cemeteries, ships, libraries, ghost tours and other articles of interest.