Video: Stephen King Shows Home, Writing Room in PBS NewsHour Interview

Posted on August 27, 2024

PBS NewsHour has a great interview with author Stephen King that shows his Maine home. The interview also shows King's writing room and the desk setup and computer he uses.

King, now 76, says, "I feel a little bit like, if I was a car, I'd trade." He loves the Maine country. He says he's not much of a city kid.

King says he likes writing about regular people and what happens to them when they are "suddenly confronted with something that's totally out of their wheelhouse."

King has walls in his home showcasing some of his book covers and movie posters made form his book.

King talked about a time when his writing was less appreciated by critics. He has always been loved by fans.

King says, "There was a time when I felt like nobody will ever take me seriously as a writer's writer, just as somebody who make's money. And it did make me angry because it seemed to me that there was an underlying assumption about popular fiction, that if everybody reads it, it can't be very good."

King joked that some of his early worst critics who didn't like his work are now dead.

On the often asked "Where do you get your ideas?" question, King says he can't explain it. He says, "It's just like being belted by an idea."

King's latest short story collection, You Like It Darker, which was released in May, 2024.

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