Wadsworth Acquires Political Science Textbook List From Holtzbrinck
Posted on July 27, 2001
Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, announced the acquisition of the political science textbook list from Bedford, Freeman, and Worth, a New York-based unit of Holtzbrinck Publishers. Wadsworth, a provider of educational materials for the humanities, social sciences, and behavioral sciences, will add the former Bedford, Freeman, and Worth titles to its list in political science. Approximately 70 Bedford, Freeman, and Worth textbooks will now be available from Wadsworth.
``This outstanding list of political science textbooks aligns directly with our core strategy of providing a comprehensive selection of high-quality materials to professors and students. This acquisition significantly expands the breadth of our range of learning materials and enables us to successfully address and anticipate customers' current and emerging needs,'' said Susan Badger, president and CEO of Wadsworth.
``We are proud of our political science list and of the successful books and prestigious authors we have been fortunate to work with, and we think there are benefits both to us and to the list from this sale. The books will become part of Wadsworth's larger political science program, and we will be able to focus our energies on growing our core disciplines,'' said Joan Feinberg, editorial director of Bedford/St. Martin's.