Webby Awards Look at World Changing Moments
Posted on November 9, 2005
The Webby Awards has provided a list of 10 Web moments they thanked changed the world in celebration of their tenth year. The list includes things like Matt Drudge and the Lewinsky scandal; the dot com crash, 9-11 and online dating. A few items were related to the boom in blogs including Howard Dean and the 2004 U.S. elections, Live 8 online coverage and the 2004 Tsunami. Each of these items were heavily covered by bloggers and citizen journalism. Here is what the Webby's had to say about the Tsunami.
With news agencies racing to reach the hardest hit areas, the first accounts of the disaster were largely provided by ordinary people armed only with digital cameras and internet access. The 7/7 London terror attacks and Hurricane Katrina, further spurred the ascension of "citizen journalism" which can sometimes be more immediate, passionate, and illuminating than professional reporting.Yahoo News also has an article about the Webby feature.
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