Wiley Partners With netLibrary and Lightning Source
Posted on October 13, 2000
Stephen Kippur, Executive Vice President and President, Professional/Trade Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., has announced that Wiley has signed agreements with netLibrary and Lightning Source to provide the online distribution of about 750 new frontlist titles per year. Additionally, netLibrary will provide Wiley with digital conversion services.
``These partnerships represent important steps by Wiley to provide our 'must-have' content through a variety of eBook options, including formats that are copyright protected, user friendly, and commercially viable.'' said Kippur. ``Our customers want a wider selection of titles in a broader range of formats through more sales channels. These alliances allow us to serve customers better and drive revenue growth.''
The announcement signals an expansion of the existing alliance which Wiley and netLibrary commenced in May 2000. Under the new agreement, netLibrary will continue to provide Wiley with digital conversion services and electronic distribution to netLibrary's customers in the corporate, academic and public library markets. Most immediately, netLibrary will manage conversion, fulfillment and hosting for 750 of Wiley's new frontlist eBook titles. Wiley also forged an alliance with Lightning Source to provide digital fulfillment of Wiley's eBooks through additional channels of distribution, including a number of upcoming retail initiatives.